Friday, January 18, 2008

Keys, All The Drama, Closed, On Hold, Mansfield Park and Christmas Is Over

Just this morning, I was standing outside my apartment looking for my keys that I 5 seconds before I locked in the apartment when I noticed that I was observing 4 different cell phone conversation dramas. You can tell the people that are not from New York by their phone etiquette. I have surmised the people from New York would rather air their differences on their cell phones rather than sit face to face with the person they are talking to. I don't necessarily blame them, as these people yell and scream and cuss and use hand gestures. One guy I was watching was yelling and throwing his hands around and started kicking the fence and then threw his phone across the street. I know I am not one to say this, but it is just so much drama! So much drama, I could just . . . I don't know! . . . set myself on fire!

To my utter dismay Gente Chic (lovingly referred to as Genitalia Chick) has shut it's doors for the last time. They were taking down the sign and moving the pedicure chairs out. *sigh*. I am not really surprised. Their customer service was terrible. If you went in on Saturday you had to get a massage and try to relax in the same atmosphere as a day care for ADD kids, nobody spoke the same language as anybody else, they spent way too much on their floors and you never really knew how much you had to pay until you had to pay. But, I am still sad.

For the small amount of time I have actually got to talk on the phone today, I have spent 3 times as long on hold. Hold Noise always provokes thought for me. Some stuff is so cool, I have actually asked to be put back on hold when the conversation was over. NFL hold noise is game recaps. It used to be that cool, tough, dramatic music from NFL Films. I always wonder how one chooses their Hold Noise. Some is just terrible. For instance, my best friend worked at Care Now for years. You would think a Medical Clinic that has a bazillion locations all over D/FW would pick something soothing or classical or tacky & Easy Listening. I mean chances are you are calling because you don't feel well. But no, they have some LOUD New Age crap on there that makes you feel like you are waiting on death. This is in between that Phone Chick talking about Care Now like anybody cares now or has ever cared or ever will care. Look up the number to the clinic nearest you, call them and asked to be put on hold. You will see exactly what I mean.

I finished all my work and I am watching Mansfield Park on my Zune. Next to P&P, this is my favorite Jane Austen book. That chick was so ahead of her time. Not only can she verse despair and desire and love and torment and anxiety and frustration and finally relief and the outlook of lifelong happiness and contentment that women feel when coming into a serious relationship, but she shows the same things the men feel, which are virtually the same things listed above. I mean you are pretty exhausted if you get into these movies and books, so as life. Which makes me face my commitment issues as I am thinking "Man, this is an ass whip and what if it doesn't work out?" Was it/Is it worth it? I think so. I regret nothing thus far.

Christmas has been over for how long now? You would not believe the Christmas trees littering the sidewalks of New York City waiting to be picked up by the Sanitation Department. It looks to be a vast dead forest. My Inner Injun is shitting herself.


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