SB XLII, +, Groovy Movies, BRRRRRRRR! and Horse Racing
Speaking of positive thinking, I am gonna put it out to the Universe. I am going to have a serious abundance of money from now on, move, find a nice relationship (I will define Relationship when I figure that one out [casual, serious, occasional, whatever]), and get my good health back. I am done with being so Poor Pussy about the streak of bad luck I have had. So there. I have said it and so it shall be, sooner rather than later.
I watched Junior tonite. You know, the one where Arnold gets pregnant. I don't want to like this movie. I really don't like it. I freaking LOVE it! I laugh so much when I see this. Like Tommy Boy laugh.
I also saw a disturbing yet completely fascinating movie called Conspiracy. It is comparable to a play rather than a war movie and the cast was exceptional. It was based on a transcript found of one of the participants of a secret business meeting between officers of the SS Army, Hitler's government department heads, lawmakers and Reinhard Heydrich. It is filmed in one location. There is no brutality shown, no action, and not a character of Jewish decent appears in the whole movie. Yet, this is one of the most bone-chilling, hair-raising movies about the Nazi regime I have ever seen. It went pretty much like every business meeting I have ever been to except for the subject matter. In 2 hours, in between smoke/bathroom breaks, jokes, gossip, a buffet lunch and heated discussions, they coldly and passionately calculated the extermination, or evacuation as they referred to it, of an entire race and those associated with that race. The one character that seemed to be sympathetic was clearly as anti-semetic as the rest of the group. His solution? Don't kill them, but sterilize them instead so they cannot breed anymore to infect and corrupt the German and European population in future generations. It does show how the Nazis used intimidation and fear to recruit and ultimately get what they want even amongst themselves. The outcome of this meeting turned out to inevitably be the ground work and blueprint for Hitler's Final Solution. Nazi movies are never fun to watch, but if you dig history, you must see this.
I live in a basement and I don't watch the news. I looked out my back door and saw a nice sunny Spring-looking day out. Put on my flip-flops a light jacket and pulled my hair back in a pony tail. Went up the stairs, ran out the door, took 4 steps, turned around took 4 steps, came in. shut the door, went downstairs and have not left since. It is damn cold here. So cold if you smile, it hurts your teethe. I don't mind snow or cold that much, but sunny and cold is confusing. I guess it is better than sweating like a racehorse.
Horse racing - I can't wait to go to Lone Star Park again. We need to get a group together and go. There is nothing in this world, and I mean nothing, like sitting close to the Finish Line and hearing the approaching thunder of hooves and the ground shaking when they cross. Brings a tear of happiness to mine eye.
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