Loudness from the Neighbors, Yo Gabba Gabba, Hotness and Planning Trips

I definitely heard someone having sex. At first I thought it was MRS (Mean Russian Slut) but unlike the noises of furniture scooting across my ceiling, these were moans, and as crazy as this sounds, they were not in a Russian accent. And they got loader and louder. Every time she would moan ‘OH’ Clint and I would look at each other and at the same time say “Oh My . . . “ This went on through our first ciggy. So, we lit another each and got tired of the “Oh My Game” and started thinking of movie titles in which to nickname her, as I don’t call anybody but my friends by their name. That’s probably a lie – I don’t call most of them by their names either. Anyway, we came up with Moaner Lisa Smile, Black Snake Moan, The Moan Ranger, Moanstruck, Home Amoan, and then I started singing Moaner by Underworld.
Louder still. This was not sexy and neither was my singing - Techno is not easy to sing. It sounded like she was in pain, but she kept telling him not to stop, so we ceased to call 911. Then we were done smoking and a thought occurred to me – due to my backyard acoustics, we didn’t know where this was coming from and I could have sworn it was coming from the outside of my window unit air conditioner, 5 feet from where we were. I am such a chicken. My mind told me I was not going to walk into my room and see Moaner Lisa Smile in my bed or anywhere near my air conditioner. But something inside of me was afraid to go in the house until we checked it out. So we started tiptoeing and decided it was the neighbors on the first floor at 29-19. I don’t know why we tiptoed as we were having to shout at each other under their window just to hear one another.
Then, all was quiet. We decided to have another ciggy and I swear as soon as I got my light on, it started happening again. We both looked at each other, started laughing and threw our ciggies down and decided to go in.
On a totally different note, if you have little kids, Nick Jr. has a new show starting next month called Yo Gabba Gabba and it is going to be so cool. I saw the Halloween episode and couldn’t quit watching it.
It is as hot as a son of a bitch right now.
I am trip planner supreme. Traveling is getting so expensive, I am just floored. I am doing a birthday present to myself and going to London. I am probably retarded for doing so as the British Pound is more than double the USD right now. So, 1 Pound is about 47 cents, or the American Dollar is the weakest I have ever seen it and I have been paying attention for about 17 years. London is expensive anyway and I was going to rent this cool flat for the week, but it is not going to be available. So I can find something else or go in January. I have also been helping 2 of my friends plan a trip to New York for later in the year and my God, the hotels are so damn expensive. I mean the shitty ones are about $400 a night. Weird how you have to pay so much to get in and I have to pay so much to get the hell outta Dodge.