Thursday, May 08, 2008

Just Some Stuff

Anne came over last night and we were having girl talk on the porch. I heard rustling behind the garage and it scared the hell out of me. A few minutes later an armadillo went wandering by us. I was thrilled. Four months ago that would never have happened to me. I love nature stuff.

July is coming and I am excited.

I saw Iron Man and it was way good. Robert Downey Jr. is such a good super hero. Who would have thought?

I am loving being back in the Great Lone Star State. All is well. Of course I need a real job and a car and my own place, but seriously, I am overjoyed. So are the cats.

There is a place downtown called Embargo that I want to go to. They are supposed to have great mojitos. It looks like a New Yorky place.

Anne works at a dermatology office. I have been wanting to have my lips done for years now. She got me this Lip Plumper in a nice copper shade that I really like so I could see what my lips will probably look like should I have them done. It burns like fuck, but it works. It causes some kind of allergic reaction where applied and your lips swell and get fuller. The other night I was with someone going to Fuzzy's Tacos and I put this stuff on. I made the mistake of licking my lips. While I was driving my tongue started swelling and then so did my throat. He had to locate a Benedryl in my purse that I had to take with no drink. We got to Fuzzy's and after we ate I went to the bathroom to blow my nose and pink stuff came out. It was gross but kind of cool. Then I was disappointed because when you take a Benedryl after using this, your lips go back to normal. I felt cheated for all the embarrassment and burning and swelling and pink snot blowing I went through.

Taco Casa rocks. I have eaten about 1,000,000,000 tacos since I have been back in TX. The other night Jason (my 7 year old nephew) said I was Taco Queen. Then he boldly stated I had Taco Power. I don't know what that means, but I am OK with that.
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