Kirsten and I went to Farm Aid yesterday to see Willie Nelson. They had several other people there too – The Allman Brother’s, Neil Young, John Cougar Mellancamp, Dave Matthews Band – but we both just wanted to see Willie. He was AMAZING and I liked the way he kept saying “Silk Soy”, the corporate sponsor of Farm Aid.
Since Kirsten and I are both from Texas, we both came to the conclusion that concerts in New York are a whole different story and not in a good way. There were a lot of show-ponies in the audience and the actual music was an afterthought. I also think it is hard for many New Yorkers to kick back and have a good time without thinking they have to do a million things and be seen and heard and just running around like maniacs. Like a whole venue full of an ADD/OCD-stricken culture with me and Kirsten just people watching the whole time. So it was virtually impossible for people acting like this not to receive nicknames. There was Injun-Asian, her boyfriend Eleven, Paris Hilton to our right, Red Head up front, Park Slope Family that was fast friends with Butt Crack, Baby Got Back in front of Eleven whose skirt was way shorter in the back and should not have been, Prancer, the buffed up tattooed guy that pretty much just walked around, Backpack, the guy sitting to the right of me that read a book/manual about a backpack all day long, bless his heart – he had a duffel and I think he really wanted that back pack, which he could have bought with the $60+ for the Farm Aid ticket that was pretty much wasted on him. Our favorite was Purple. Purple was a man in a purple tie-dyed shirt and straw hat with the little rope under his chin that was dancing around like a typical middle aged good-ole-boy tripping on acid and scaring all the young girls he came in contact with. He met up mid- concert with Gray, his kindred spirit that was very much like him but bald and in a solid gray t-shirt. Purple had a girlfriend that wore a shorts turquoise one-sie with a red bandanna tied around her forehead. Every one in a while we would lose Purple in the crowd, but he always returned. It turned out Red Head used to date Kirsten’s Aunt and he was real nice and real loud and crazy and he was saying something and walked off and we never saw him again. I think it had something to do with beer and a bathroom.
Tomorrow is the Anniversary of 9/11. It seems like a lifetime ago, but just hours ago at the same time. I always recall thinking on 9/12 “What a difference a day has made” and how life since then has never been the same.
Next week I get to go to the Go, Diego, Go! Wrap Party at The Bronx Zoo Congo Gorilla Forest and I am way excited. You can bet your sweet ass I am going to try to sneak away and see the rest of the zoo all by my lonesome. I am just afraid of getting locked in.
Texas is coming up. And then Paris. I am stoked.