Friday, August 24, 2007

What A Week

The Universe is definitely trying to tell me something.
This week was bizarre - long as hell, ESP, the distant past resolving itself, dreams coming true, things popping up and just odd news all around. I feel really strange.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Errands – Always an Adventure

Here is errand day for Ricki Saturday:

Go update Virgin Mobile Account

Go tan – my boobs are currently on fire

Go by Blockbuster – not a damn thing I want to see is in

Meet Clint for Breakfast at Igloo

Clint and I go to ABC – buy yet another pair of flip flops, 2 pairs of pants and a towel

Clint and I go in some tacky store for kicks – bless their hearts

Go to CVS – get refund for overcharged item, buy good smellin stuff, beg the lady at the counter to sell me a pack of ciggies since I don’t have my ID with me by telling her I am almost 40 – that is the first time I have ever verbally admitted that - she still wouldn't do it, that Bitch - bless her heart

Buy winning $171 Million Mega Millions lottery ticket for Tuesday

Buy Three Thieves and Red Truck wine for the week. More accurately, for tonite

Buy a Nina Simone, Massive Attack, Thievery Corporation, Willie Nelson and Chemical Brothers CDs

Fixin to go get my hair cut at Gente Chic – Anne and I call it Genitalia Chick due to the close proximity of the spelling, the way the Portuguese owners say it and the muscular nekkid chick swimming with a dolphin under a big moon on their business cards – bless their hearts

Go to Key F’ing Food and battle the Greeksters for my weekly food – when I am there, I am like a Spartan warrior – bless their hearts

Give the not so homeless but old lady sitting on the corner some money – bless HER heart

Get a pistachio gelato at the Italian bakery

Buy some Feta and Olive Oil at the Mediterranean place – have the old man cut my cheese

Check e-mail – Done

Go home:



Wash dishes by hand – dishwasher man has to come back yet again

Take nap

Rearrange room

Ultimate goal for the day – bathe 2 cats without going to the hospital this time

Now, would anyone in their right mind want to do errands with me?

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Throw In A Little Water, Commute and Funny Video

I swear, I fear for the day when there is an actual disaster in this city. Throw in a little water and the whole place goes berserk or damn near shuts down. Should that water be frozen, well, we are not even gonna talk about that.

Due to a thunderstorm last night, the subway lines flooded all over the city. My commute was OK until it connected with the 7 Train at Queensboro Plaza. You see, the 7 Train originates in Flushing which has a huge Asian population. That huge Asian population rides the trains like this is the overpopulated city of Tokyo or Seoul. They are extremely aggressive, impatient and being packed in like sardines does not bother them in the least. They can be all these things and still try to eat Noodle on the train while reading the paper. If they are not eating noodle and they do manage to get a seat they are falling asleep. Many times I have had to awaken Strange Asian that was snoring on my shoulder, and you just feel weird - kind of violated, yet you feel like you are imposing by waking them up, bless their sleepy little hearts.

So this morning, the train got so packed at Queensboro Plaza that I managed to sit in my seat and get hit in the head twice before the next stop - by 2 different people. Before I got to the Fifth Avenue stop, I got hot and couldn't breathe and started coughing until I found my inhaler and some cool mint gum in my bottomless pit of a purse. Train is still packed. Before the next stop, I opened my mouth and my gum fell in my cleavage. So many people saw. I started to go mining for it and then quit and then started again and then gave up. The guy beside me offered and I just shook my head and mouthed 'Thanks anyway'. Then we were stuck in the tunnel for 20 minutes not 5 feet from my stop. I swear I tried to morph myself to the platform - It was right f'ing there! So close yet so far! It was hot, I had gum between my boobs and the Asian guy that unsuccessfully tried to squeeze in between me and Pervy-Wanna-Be-Oh-So-Helpful-Guy while still standing pulled out his lunch bag and yes, he opened up Noodle and started to indulge himself while flinging broth all over the rest of us. It happened to be Seafood Noodle and I held the neck of my shirt up close around me in case there was a rogue calamari in there that may want my gum along with his slung out freedom. I was kind of leaning on Pervy but at this point, I couldn't have given a shit. Finally we got to my stop, I made my way through the hurdle, gasped for air, stuck my hang down my shirt to find the gum had gotten hot and stuck to my bra and skin and was now getting stuck to my shirt. So, I put the gum back between my boobs and walked to work, passing Christian Science Warriors, Homeless Bagel Guy, Tour Bus Pushers, Wandering Tourists and some publicity stunt tent giving out free underwear. Once at work I found out there was no alcohol in the medicine cabinet to fix my gum problem, so I went in my boss’s office, shut the door and found the bottle of Grey Goose I knew to be in there and scrubbed all the gum off from everything. When I came out, I smelled like an alcoholic at 10:30 am and when I opened my mouth to say "Good Morning" to the 6 people staring at me like they were about to send me to The Betty, my new gum fell out of my mouth and onto the floor. It’s still there and there it shall stay.

And now, here is a cute little Harry Potter video my Momma sent me this morning.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Before Sunset, Hot Fuzz, Day At The Spa and Driving In Queens

I saw the most romantic movie I have seen in ages this weekend. Before Sunset is the sequel to Before Sunrise and it just filled me with fond memories and a longing for spontaneousness. It ended so well and I was so happy I cried. Plus it was set in Paris and it is just so beautiful. I have been to the coffee shop they went to.

I also saw this British Comedy called Hott Fuzz. I laughed so damn hard. One part this one cop asks his super-cop partner what he wanted to be when he grew up and he said a Muppet. That ‘s funny because I work with this girl Mary who married Miss Piggy. By Miss Piggy, I mean the guy that took over for Frank Oz as the voice of Miss Piggy. He also is from Fort Worth. Such a small world sometimes.

I spent the day at the spa with my friend Melissa yesterday. Got a manicure and a pedicure and they kept massaging me which I was so totally for. Amazing how much prettier I feel with red-red toe nails.

After Spa Day, we went driving to Forest Hills, Queens which looks like Barvaria. Went to Barnes and Noble and then had dinner at this diner.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Viva La France!

Got several movies and a travel documentary dealing with France today. Here are some of the things I am looking forward to:

Romance is everywhere:

The night walks of Paris:

The day walks of Paris:

The Paris Cats - They say 'Mew', not 'Meow'.

The tides of Mont St. Michel:

The grandeur of Varseilles:

The bridges over the Seine:

The Wine Bars:

The outdoor markets:

The strong yet not bitter coffee:

Galeries Lafayette decorated for Christmas:

The priceless art and their venues:

Even thier chocolate is art:

The ice cream at Berthillon:

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Cat Talking

This is always so funny to me.

Excited, Commute and Excited Some More

I have so much to be excited about.
It looks like me and My People (this happens to be my one friend in NYC that is from Texas, Kirsten) are going to see Willie Nelson performing for Farm Aid at Randall's Island. Randall's Island is not a tropical oasis paradise, but a big strip of dirt in the East River here in NYC. I am sooooo psyched about this.

I had one hell of a commute to work for some reason this morning. Aside from the usual flooding of tourists, the activists were out for vengeance today. LOADS of Christian Scientists. There is this one tall meek-looking blond that is so devoted and there every single morning. She is only meek in the looks department. She will swiftly and effectively shove a Christian Scientist postcard in your hands before you know what hit you. She must have been suffering from PMS this morning because she was being a little more aggressive than usual and I was expecting to see her shoving them down peoples throats. I crossed the street before she shoved one straight up my ass, as she recognizes me as a daily refuser.

And then I have 2 vacations coming up. Soooooo excited.
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