Happy New Year!
Nothing exciting for me. I needed to breathe so I stayed home last night. Probably a good choice, but it is too early to tell.
So, here is a list of movies I have seen lately and the recommendations that go with:
Heartbreak Kid: This is some funny shit.
Shoot Em Up: Clive is hot, which was the lure. It basically had no plot and there was lots of shooting and sliding. I must have lapsed into temporary retardedness to have expected something else.
Stardust: I cried like a baby and it was entertaining. But remember, I have also cried in the past week over the lack of butter.
3:10 to Yuma: This is my favorite movie from 2007. I have never seen a truer Western. It is just such a mixed emotion story. Sheer Greatness. He may be known for being a bastard, but Russel Crowe is one cool MF.
Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix: My least favorite book of the HP Series, but the best movie so far. Even as a snake-face-drama-king, you can tell Ralph Fiennes is one nasty bastard. You just have to love that.
Whilst listing things, here are some things I will do better so as not to be in so much trouble and turmoil on a constant basis.
Make more lists. Anne has been ridin my ass about this for years. The weird thing is, I am at the top of my field. I can run the lives of the people I work for on a dime - scheduling, to do stuff, travel, social, accounts, being in the know, thinking ahead, research, keeping them hip, etc. The fact is, my life is nothing short of an artic meldown with the consequences reaching much further than the north pole. Makes life interesting, but I am kind of tiring of it and I need to get my shit straight.
I would like to add, being in the top of my field does not mean in the least that I am being paid top dollar. I looked at my earnings from last year and I made $2200 less in 2007 than I did working in Fort Worth, Texas in 1998. I am not busting my ass any less and my responsibilites have grown, yet I am truly struggling. It is either feast or famon and I just want a little more consistancy. So, in 2008, I need to make more money and I am willing to work hard for it.
Do not wear my flip flops again until, say, April. Maybe March. I have several times went out wearing them in the snow.
Stay out of the hospital. I lose time there and it takes weeks to recover that. Nobody ever comes to see me, I get bruises and poked and swollen and I have to hang with other sick people and I get sad and mad and anxious and it is just not fun for me.
Pay my taxes on time. That is an important one.
Only buy good chocolate. No use in eating the shit chocolate.
Forget Special Exemption Ricki. That chick is more trouble than she is worth.
Communicate more and use the phone. I am such a chatty/e-maily.
Try and keep this Kathleen Turner/Demi Morre voice. I am liking it.
Write more. More more more.
Be more tolerant of other people. Let's face it, there are some poor stupid sons of bitches out there and I can't change that.
Be more tolerant of myself. I will never have the looks of Catherine Zeta Jones. I am also not as daft as Paris Hilton, as mental as Britney Sprears (bless her heart), or possess the grace of Cate Blanchet. I am more like Bridget Jones, but let's face it, people like her. I can relate well to people. I am fun and crazy and hardly ever dull even when I am being a home body. I can make you laugh and make you feel at ease. I can also make you a proper Southern Meal and a dozen cupcakes in about 30 minutes. I may also be able to drink you under the table too.
Take more pictures. And organize them. I was thinking of al the events of my life that I have taken pictures at and yet I do not have one of them to show for it. Mardi Gras(s), vacations, parties, interesting moments. Somewhere there is a picture of Fanky with his head over the toiltet after a bout of alcohol poisoning in New Orleans with Judge Dredd on the TV in the background. Where have they gone? I am going to start the ultimate life scrapbook. Besides, I have nice handwriting and I can do magic with paper.
I need to connect with my Inner Injun. I feel there is coolness lurking there.