I have had a few interesting points in the Job Life the last few weeks.
There was one interview for a non-profit agency downtown. It seemed to be a good job. It was created by Jewish immigrants over 115 years ago. Most of the Directors that work there are Jewish still. That is a fact that was neither here nor there for me at the time - - I basically just don't give a shit one way or the other. My job is pretty much the same no matter what the place, industry, or people I work with, regardless of religion, sexual preference or race.
The Director of HR conducted this particular interview with the Benefits Coordinator at her side, which was kind of weird for me. While looking over my resume, the Director stated she worked with the only female boss I have ever had that I didn't mind working for at any point of my job. I still feel a very strong loyalty to her and a great amount of respect. The Director then turned from me to the Benefits Coordinator and proceeded with the following conversation as if I were not even in the room.
HRD: Oh! She knows ****! I use to work with her before she became President.
BC: This is good?
HRD: Yeah. I mean, I like ****, don't get me wrong, but she was just a little too WASPy for my liking.
laughsIt takes A LOT to offend me. Really, it does. Hell, I can even make salty drunken sailors blush. I was highly insulted by this. Not necessarily for me, but on ****'s behalf. You see, **** is 1/2 Catholic and 1/2 Jewish, and by definition, not WASPy at all, except for the W part. I, on the other hand, am a prime example of WASPy which made me think the people in front of me were blind and very very stupid. Then there was this:
HRD: Yeah, she was such a strange woman. She never wanted or had any kids.
BC: That
is so strange. What is wrong with her?
Now I was offended on my own behalf. Neat. I am WASPy and childless. Thank God I am Protestant so I may turn the other cheek and forgive you, or I would have commented on your atrocious accent, huge nose and urgent need to procreate while obviously still on the prowl for a man after all these years. I honestly had 20/20 vision at that point and I did not even have my glasses on. I was praying for a nosebleed or worse just so I could bust the hell outta there.
Then they ecstatically offered me the job but wanted me to shadow the current Assistant right then, as it was her last day. Shadowing is such a ridiculous notion for me. Leave me some notes and let me be. By the way, did I say they wanted me to do this pro bono?
They then proceeded to ask what I thought. How could I possible say what I was thinking, which was basically: you are not even offering my minimum so you cannot afford me, this building smells funny, I have to pee, I REALLY want a ciggy, why is he so mad at me, I need to buy kitty litter, damn my hair looks good today, Arby's or pizza, how could Jack Bauer shoot Curtis, and oh yeah, I think you should really go fuck yourself because you obviously need it
bad you pompous, politically incorrect, bad hair day, rude, Yankee, socially retarded, vile, hell-bound bitch.
Instead I just smiled and said I did not think this was the job for me, apologized for wasting their time and gracefully excused myself.
Now I am working at MTV Networks again. They called me into a Department called LOGO. I thought it was an Art Department. It is actually the Gay and Lesbian channel of MTV. Everyone is real nice. I think I have this Gay and/or Foreign magnet thing going on. My last 2 lovers in a row were foreign and my roommate is gay
and foreign and I have lots of gay friends. All I know is I will not be meeting my first husband here.
Today I had an interview at Warner Music, referred to them by my Favorite boss at Viacom that used to work there. It sounds like a great job and I really am praying I get it.
And this is my life.