Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Texas, Boot Leg Lady, Feta, Cat Butt & The Dallas Mavericks
Back in the great Lone Star State, Anne is camping this weekend. I am a full-on-nature-chick, but I don’t camp. I mean, I-like-dirt-and-most-bugs-and-animals-flock-to-me-like-I-am-Snow-White kind of full-on-nature-chick. I prefer toilets, showers, beds and comfort though. My ideal camping trip would be to hang with the peeps at the campfire and go fishing and hiking and cataloguing during the day and then when I am drunk enough to pass out, I would have a driver come and take me to the hotel down the road. Now that, is camping to me. Then he can bring me back to the sight in time for bacon and eggs. Anyway, I hope she has a good time. She is good with stuff like that.
Kathy and Brett are having their wedding celebration tonight. I wish I could be there. I am really happy for her and it is a LONG time coming. She said something so funny to me about 3 years ago that was said out of complete love and caring to cheer me up when I was having Man Trouble. She said “Ricki, don’t worry. Brett and I have been together for 18 years and I am no closer to getting married than you are.” I trust her so much that she is the only girl I would let see My Thing. Because she is fixin to be my doctor, Y’all.
Tonight is also Michael McCabe’s birthday celebration, which I also wish I was going to be there for. So, Happy Birthday Michael! Have a great time and throw one back for me.
Clint is in Virginia with his new interest this weekend. He is spending the day at this nation’s Capital, which should be cool for him since he is foreign and all.
I paid a quick visit to Boot Leg Lady. It sounds like she is crippled, but she isn’t. She sells copied DVDs and recordings of new movies out. Yes, it is not the most legal thing to do, but movies are $12 here at all times, so I cannot afford to go and see everything I would like to see. 2 people here go to the movie and if you get 2 drinks and share popcorn and a piece of chocolate, it is over $50. So, I am seeing a few for $5, although the quality is not top notch. Anyway, I am happy with it. It looks like it is going to rain.
After years of making Greek Salads in my Greek neighborhood, I have finally figured out what kind of Feta to buy. You see, when you go into a Greek market, you go to the back of the store and think you are going to simply walk out with a hunk of Feta. The truth of the matter is, you go to the back of the store and there are no less than 20 different grades of Feta and 6 other kinds of goat cheese. The picture above is of the store around the corner from me and the guy that, seriously, cuts my cheese, and a chick that works the front. So let me save you some trouble. For those back home, go to the Greek import market on Lower Greenville. Just ask for Dodonis Feta. There. I have just saved you years of research, about a dozen trips to the bathroom and dozens of funky tasting Greek salads that just weren't quite right.
I was in such a deep sleep today, Elwood flopped on my head with his cat butt and I didn’t even know. I woke up and stretched and jumped, cuz, wow! There it was! Fanky said if you get Cat Butt in your eye, you die. It wasn’t exactly touching my eye, so I am quite confident I am going to be just fine. Unless the Mavericks lose again. Then I am just gonna lose my shit.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Asthma, Positive Thinking, Interviewing and A Ham Sand Bitch
I am a pretty smart chick, but I am the first to admit I can do some dumb shit. Asthma is generally triggered by these top things: Smoking (check), Cats or Dogs (check), Dust (check) and Pollen (check). I was not working Wednesday and felt compelled to rearrange my room. Dust everywhere. I then noticed my cat Elwood was beginning to shed his Winter coat. I decided a bath was the best thing to do to keep the cat hair from bothering my asthma. Between the cat hair and the steam and the major ass-whippin my cat gave me through his bath time splendor, I could not breathe. At all. I made it to the back yard and managed to dial 911. It took the paramedics 15 minutes to get there and took me 14 minutes to make it to the front of the house. Pajama pants, t-shirt, no bra, no shoes, no keys, all the lights and the TV on and a soaking wet but v. clean and good smelling cat all over the couch and the coffee pot on. It was pretty bad because both paramedics were working on me with the oxygen and the IV and all the stats. They normally hang out and ask a bunch of questions. They also had the sirens blaring the whole way to the hospital which they never do.
I have been trying to use the power of positive thinking lately and I have to say it works. I thought positive things the whole time. My Pulse Ox is a 98 when I am normal. It was 92 on the way to the hospital. 20 minutes after I got to the hospital it was 100% for the first time I can remember.
I had to call Clint and tell him if he went home I was not kidnapped as everything was up for grabs. He got so upset and he came home and bitched and told me I needed to quit smoking and I didn’t know everything and I thought I did and people from my old job he told were going to call me the next day and on and on,so I just didn’t talk to him for the rest of the night. I know he was only doing that because he loves me, but the presentation was just wrong. The next morning he came in and tried to talk to me and said I better not be holding a grudge and on and on and I, with my positive thinking and not a morning person, told him to go to work or I was positively going to kick his ass and NOBODY better call me that day. Last night we hashed it out and all is well.
I had an interview for a big-time position at Viacom today in Corporate Communications. The guy I would be working with is the coolest guy ever! I am really wanting to own this job. I’d be working with the press and special events. Money is good and benefits rock.
I just got a free ham sandwich. Free lunch is a good way to end the work week. By the way, if I get the job at Viacom CC, then I get free breakfast and lunch every day. Whoo Hoo!
Life is good Y’all!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
First of all, hello. What is Kiddie doing on the sidelines of a football game in the first place? Football players do not notice it, but back in the days of being Mascot on the sidelines, it can be a scary place. Fortunately, Ricki never got hit by a football player or a football. In the very first game, she got hit in the head with a tuba from the opposing team’s band. And that is why she avoided wearing the 10 pound lion’s head whenever possible for the rest of her duration as Pete. And that is all I have to say about that.
Secondly, I am really thankful that Kiddie was not hurt. But, I must point out, it was rather funny about the third time seeing that big burly player looking at Kiddie like he was supposed to be a football, feeling shock as he realized Kiddie was indeed NOT a football and then seeing him scared to death and handing Kiddie off like he was a 45,000 degree potato. Yet another reason I should not have kids. What the hell am I supposed to do with a 45,000 degree potato?
Now I must apologize for taking this kid’s story and making it all about me. I am just trying to relate y’all.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Some April Happenings
I had to go to the hospital in the middle of the night on Thursday. I was dreaming I was on the Queen Mary 2 sailing to Europe and I was sitting on the deck listening to the waves and watching the moon reflect off the boundless cool Atlantic with a cashmere blanket and a glass of bubbly. I woke up gasping for air with 4 blankets piled on top of me. My Asthma is heat induced and then being groggy, I took too many puffs off the inhaler and my heart rate shot up and I still couldn’t breathe so Clint called 911. I felt a little better by the time they got there, but I needed some Prednisone and a breathing treatment. There was some good that came out of all the drama. I have found my social recluse of a cat Elwood has blossomed into a social butterfly and was all over the fireman and the paperwork he was filling out, rolling around on the table and sitting in his lap. Anyway, I can breathe again and I feel much much better and for that I am grateful.
I smell like a pit right now. I was out working in my garden and my older neighbors decided to set fire to the dead brush in their yard and the wind just happened to be blowing my way. So, now I am out checking my e-mail and buying some more plants, dirt and this cast iron palm tree door mat that I have been wanting for a year. Check this out – it was $19.99 which was a fair price but I never really had the extra cash when I thought about it. I went yesterday and they were $1.97 so I bought one and if they have another I will get it too. If they weren’t so heavy, I would mail one to Anne as it reminds me of South Carolina. Anyway, I am sitting here and I heard someone ask if something was on fire, then their friend said “We should go camping this summer”. I guess I need to finish up the yard work and then shower and drench myself in Orange Blossom scent. But I am happy to have inspired future vacation plans for someone and bring them closer to nature.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Dreaming of Football
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Luck, Wal-Mart, Elvis Mac & Cheese, TV and Commuting
Somebody in my neighborhood won the $105 Million Mega Millions Jackpot on Saturday. This means I am completely screwed now.
* It was not me that won on Saturday.
* What are the chances I would win anyway?
* What are the chances 2 people in the same neighborhood are going to win?
Do you see my plight on this?
I hope it was somebody old. I like it when old people win good stuff.
I am seriously thinking of renting a car this weekend and going to Wal-Mart. The nearest Super Wal-Mart is 41 miles away. Just down the road by my standards, but they have a ton of tolls.
If anybody wants my recipe for Elvis Macaroni and Cheese, let me know. I am considering doing a recipe blog, but I don’t know yet. I am a pretty good cook. I would love to have my own restaurant in a small town somewhere. Or a big fat town like New York City. Then I will go global and take over the world with my Southern Food.
I need a freaking vacation. Something different. Permanent perhaps.
I am so queezed with TV right now it is not even funny. 24 is a let down this season.
Let me share with you my daily commute to work.
Right now, I am working right in the center of Times Square.
Astoria – Walk out the front door after petting the kitties. The gas station guy always yells “Good Morning, Ricki!” Pass the bread delivery guy every morning. Buy some gum from the Middle Eastern store of bad habits – they always ask me why I have not won the lotto yet and if I did, would I give them some money. Walk up the stairs to the platform. Talk to Eddie, an older gentleman that sweeps the trains. We talk Texas sports, where I am working, the weather and he always asks about my backyard, as he knows it is a work in progress. He never sweeps but exits the train when the departure announcement is made. Finish Sudoku puzzle by the 3rd stop. Read the Entertainment news. Ride the train to 49th Street stop. Usually light ciggy, but didn’t today - I think I am almost ready to quit. Start dodging the tourists – not so many at this time of day – just the early risers. Refuse the bus tour guys, refuse the Broadway show handouts, flat-out lie to the comedy club guys by replying “No” in a serious fake Tudor-esque British accent when they ask me if I like to laugh, refuse the persistent Christian Scientists, side step all tourists and not wait for the walk signs to say “walk”, ignore the young-ins trying to get into TRL, walk into the Viacom building, see Security guy that always asks “Ricki, where the hell is your ID?” and I say “Where the hell is yours?” Laugh and he just lets me pass.
Times Square – daily ritual afternoon ass-whip. THOUSANDS of wandering gawking tourists. I just want to go home. Pass Batman, the Hooda Hoots (I don’t know what they are called, but it is the Indian band that has lots of flutey things), remind the bus guys I don’t need a tour – I still live here, evade second shift Christian Scientists, avoid comedy pushers, give directions at least twice, take someone’s picture for them, save someone from following the masses of other tourists that don’t know what they are doing and wandering into the street with a cab going by at 60mph, debate stopping for a single malt whisky, have a ciggy instead, finally reach subway. This all takes place within 3.5 blocks.
Speaking of the Tudor-esque, if you haven't seen Showtime's new series The Tudors, you need to. It is really good. I am not completely daft- I am well aware there is no possible way the Tudors were as hot as the actors portraying them on the show. But it is still completely entertaining.
That’s all I have to say about that.
Monday, April 09, 2007
My Life With The Circus(s)
1. 1976 - I was 5. Momma took me to Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus in Little Rock, AR. I was young but I remember it being a bit chaotic and getting a big coloring book.
2. 1988 - Karen’s Daddy was a Shriner and he got us some passes for Karen and Fanky and I to go when we all worked at Burger’s Lake. It was all wondrous and loud. Karen went to the bathroom when the guys were riding around in the little cars. Here is the conversation that took place in her absence:
All yelling loudly to be heard over the noise -
Ricki: What do Shriners do?!
Fanky: What?!
Ricki: (Yelling louder) WHAT DO SHRINERS DO?
Fanky: They help burned children!
Ricki: What?!
Fanky: (Yelling louder) THEY HELP BURNED CHILDREN!
Fanky then looked bewildered and we were staring at each other with our mouths dropped open. He could not understand why I would want to leave and not support such a noble cause. I could not understand why he or anyone else at the Convention Center would be there in the first place and why nobody was arresting the Shriners as I thought Fanky said “They help burn children.”
3. 1995 - I used to work in Human Resources at Kroger’s headquarters. Kroger was a sponsor for Ringling Brothers stop in Dallas. We got some primo tickets. Anne, Fanky, Colin and I went and we had front row center!
During intermission, we got some snacks. Anne set her nachos near the railing to get situated and they fell off onto the steppy-things the elephants use when they all stand on each others backs. The whole 2nd half, I was beside myself fearing that the elephants would use that step and slip and all of them would fall and break their legs and they would have to be put down. Then I thought what if one of them eats the cheese and is lactose intolerant and then gets affected and ruins it for everyone. Or what if one of those creepy clowns sees the cheese and tells on us and we get thrown out?
All went well and I was completely relieved, except Fanky bought a clown wig and creeped me out all the way back home.
I have a fear of clowns. Think about it – what are they hiding . . . .
4. 1997 - Kathy and I went to London. Our first evening there we were in Piccadilly Circus. It reminds me of Times Square. I remember people kept asking me for directions. Anyway, we went walking and walking and walking for hours. At one point we thought we were just at some park when in fact, we wound up at the Queen’s royal stables. I will never forget that and some day I plan on making it back there. I love getting lost when I am on vacation. Except when Rodney and I got lost in Compton. That was not cool.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Thursday, April 05, 2007
You Had To Have Been There
- A few weeks ago I blogged how my friend found it ungratifying when she threw some clothes around when frustrated. When recently visiting here, she told me she did have a more rewarding experience when she threw a McGriddle. At a protester.
- I was reading a review on the newly released movie The Reaping, starring 2 time Oscar winner Hillary Swank. 2 things written by Dan Dunn highly amused me:
- If you were to take “The Omen,” “Rosemary’s Baby,” “The Exorcist” and — what the hell — let’s go with “Stroker Ace,” and throw ’em all in a blender, you’d likely wind up with something an awful lot (and I do mean awful) like “The Reaping.”
- David Morrissey, last seen by seven or so unfortunate filmgoers in “Basic Instinct 2,” is on board as a widower with a dark secret.
- When Forrest Gump says, "I'm sorry I fought at your Black Panther party."
- The road trip I took with Fanky to New Orleans for Mardi Gras in the Miata. It was one of those spontaneous decisions and a semi-kidnapping on my part. Without many details, here is how the trip went: left out for Mardi Gras. Stopped in Shreveport and won $300 and drank lots of free beer - not enough to get drunk, but enough to fill the bladder. Could not regulate temperature in the car so it was either the heater full blast or the top down - I am an all or nothing kind of girl. After 70 miles of no restroom and full bladders we took an exit, drove back in time, and I unknowingly peed in a swamp. Upon finding out it was indeed a swamp, I screamed, fell back in the car, yelled at Fanky to just Drive! and then cried because I did not want him to see my butt. Got back to present time and found hotel at about 3:30 am. Got up and had breakfast at weird truck stop with people staring and slot machines everywhere that had 0% payout. Got on the road and needed gas. Saw Vegas-style signs for a Super Texaco many miles up road. I decided to push our luck with the needle on Empty. Saw a Texaco with the biggest sign EVER and thought that had to be the one from Vegas, plus I had proof as it was a gas/video store combo. It was made entirely of wood. Got out of car, stretched, went in. Their video store consisted of 2 copies of Wayne's World and that was all. Told Merle I was going to go to the bathroom while he looked for snacks,. The bathroom had the biggest roll of toilet paper I had ever seen. I was about to sit down when i had noticed someone had taken doo-doo and marked down the side of the jumbo roll of toilet paper so you were guaranteed to get tainted t.p. no matter what. Then I looked down to my right and there was a huge hole in the floor for people to view your activities. Busted out found Fanky who looked like he had seen a ghost and was holding a Coors can in his hand. He pointed to the top of it and it was the OLD pull of tabs from the 70's. Then I looked over to my left and the owner of the store was slowly stepping up - he was big and had on overalls with no shirt. I frantically whispered to Fank, "We are gonna have to buy something or we are gonna get killed!" as I picked up a Reese's. Went to the counter which was covered with photos of the owner's recent alligator/catfish hunt. Got in car, warned another couple which had to have thought this was Vegas Texaco by yelling No! Don't Do It! This is not it! Opened my creamy milk chocolaty Reese's Peanut Butter Cup which was now all white and it crumbled in my hand. The next exit we saw The Vegas Texaco. 2 hours to NOLA, we saw a porta potty called Pot O Gold. Got to New Orleans, drank at Irish Pub in the Quarter got sleepy. Tried to find a hotel. Nearest one available was in Longview, Texas or Jacksonville, FL. Drove around most of Southern Mississippi as I did not believe anyone about the hotel room. Slept at La Quinta Hotel - in the parking lot. Since car was only a 2 seater, I woke Fanky up to switch sides every time I wanted to turn over. Had McDonalds for breakfast. Headed back toward Louisiana. Sooooo tired. Drove past New Orleans and stopped in Shreveport for hotel. Slept like babies. Went home.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Tuesday Observations and Randomness
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I have to figure out what I am making for Easter dinner.
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The seal hunt is on in Canada right now. This just breaks my heart. Such cruelty. I cannot imagine taking the life of something so innocent with no remorse at all. Now, there is hardly any ice where the females usually give birth, so they are having to have the babies in the sea and they are drowning. Should they make it to shore then they can look forward to getting their heads bashed in. I am now boycotting all things Canadian - a lot of good that will do since they don't really contribute all that much. They can go fuck themselves with their strong cigarettes and weak dollar for all I care.
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I saw Children of Men the other night. I don't know why all movies about the future have to look dark and grim. This one is no different, but it does have an interesting concept. And Clive is just all eye candy . . .
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I have a deep and serious love for the British male. They are just in a whole different league. The accent and the charm and the pride and James Bond and that unique sense of humor and Aston Martin and the love of pudding - hell, I am getting myself all worked up just listing it all. I am sure this can only be tragic for me, but I just unable to help myself.
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24 is not as good this season as previous seasons. I still cannot quit watching it, but I am somehow able to move around during the hour it is on. I couldn't do that before.
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Passover is in full swing now. I am glad I am not Jewish as their holidays seem to be a lot of work and not much fun. They have a lot of rules and they don't really celebrate as much as they have to focus on their ancestors and repent and I don't know what else. They eat lots of Matzo. I do have a huge appreciation for their heritage being carried down through so many thousands of years and they do know their history. They have some cool stuff too. Their bread rocks and makes good French Toast. They are a race that has been through some tough persecutions for sure. They are not the happiest of people. Bless their hearts.
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My room mate comes in tomorrow morning. He is coming from a 32 hour flight from Perth. I am excited to see him again and I can't wait to hear his stories of home and Phuket.
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The way these chicks up here talk just makes me want to jump from the roof sometimes. It is either that Long Island or New Jersey or Brooklyn accent or it sounds like it is coming from The Valley - something along the lines of Paris Hilton where they use the word LIKE a lot and the sound of their words goes up and down like a roller coaster. They also have the worst conversations as you cannot help but hear them. They are about as deep as as snake is tall while crawling on it's belly, if that. i.e. "I was just sooooo tired and I, like, can't be botherrrred." Neat, huh? I remember talking like that, but only when I was high and grasping for words.
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I can see myself with a backpack, hiking up the Himalayas or speaking Italian or French instructions to grape harvesters on my vineyard behind the chateau before I can can see myself with children. And I have Asthma and I speak atrocious French and no Italian whatsoever. Is that jacked up?
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Words I hate saying: mustard, moist, heinous - sounds like anus and I don't like that word either, tilapia, Dostoevsky, oxygen, oil, wild, panties, malnourished, tulip, squirrel, queer, shrimp, and Vladimir Putin.
Words I really like to say: insufferable, kindling, well hell, sprite, pecan, kitlin, moors, zesty, werewolf, idiot, Mississippi, historically, bonsoir, lily, mum, queezed, fire, Saxon, mop and words I make up on a daily basis.
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I am not as awful as I sound. I just don't like to sugarcoat anything.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Rough TV
When Anne came to see me a few weeks ago, we were talking about the Little Rascals and how we used to love watching it as little kids. Then she had asked if I had watched it recently and no, I have not. She said it is sooooo different then what she remembers it being as a child. As children, we thought it was funny. As an adult I found it unbelievably politically incorrect and horrifically violent.
Kirsten, My People from Texas that lives up here, came over for a Girls’ Sunday Afternoon and I had gotten The Best of Our Gang; The Little Rascals through Netflix having just talked about it. We were stunned.
The group of kids were sure cute, but I found them to be complete shit-starters. Now here is what horrified me: the gang managed to jump on the bad guy and tied a rope around his legs. Then, they proceeded to drag him across the field and the TV showed the route in front of him so you would know what was coming. Basically, what I am saying is, they dragged his nuts over broken glass and a board with nails sticking out the top of it. I was expecting at any minute for one of them to roast his nuts over hot coals and then cut them off with a machete and then force feed them to him at gunpoint with a noose around his neck standing at the gallows while the rest of the kids threw rotten veggies at him, but luckily that did not happen.
Another episode was called The Wild Man from Borneo. It started out with this whitified family saying the kids’ uncle who was the black sheep of the family was in town. So the kids set out to meet their uncle who turned out to be a cannibal black guy dressed up in Native African garb with the mentality of a seven year old that loved candy and could only say “Yum! Yum! Eat 'em up! Eat 'em up!” when candy was present. Of course the kids thought he was saying that because The Wild Man From Borneo wanted to eat them, being a cannibal and all, and didn’t even think he was after Stimey the black kid with the big hat who had a bag full of candy. So the chase went on and on and on.
Anne told me about the last episode she saw where Buckwheat was dreaming he had won a lot of money. In his dream he drove up in a huge white Cadillac filled with fried chicken and watermelon.
Now these are classics we grew up with and America loved and still claims to love even today. So, I do not want to hear anybody bitching about what is on TV now, because the Little Rascals started it all. There is stuff on there that cable would not have the balls to air.
So, when you are feeling the world is turning to shit, rent Our Gang. We have a LONG way to go as a society, but you can see some areas in which we have vastly improved.